Working with a range of different projects from all around Australia, we continued May with a great week. Check out some the awesome projects we got completed this week.
Red Hill Triple Occupancy
Company: Architects Ring & Associates
Project Type: Townhouses
Project Size: 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom.
With the goal of creating an amazing new residential space. Our friends over at Architects Ring & Associates have designed this incredible new project with plans to be built in Red Hill, Canberra. The new project plans to replace the existing lot with 3 townhouses, all with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a ground floor living, kitchen & dining area. There is also a double carport attached to each of the townhouses.
To get an effective and efficient way to showcase this new project, Architects Ring & Associates got in contact with us. We were more than happy to assist them in providing several 3D Renders of the project from inside and outside the new project.

Esplanade Grange Duplex
Company: George Majda & Associates
Project Type: Townhouses
Project Size: 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom.
Check out this incredible duplex project we were lucky enough to assist our friends at George Majda & Associates with recently. Our clients are designing two identical duplex’s along the Esplanade in Grange, South Australia. Located just meters from the beach, each of the proposed duplexs will contain a 2 x living areas, an open kitchen/dining area, a double garage and large deck on the ground floor. The 1st floor will contain an additional lounge area and 3 bedrooms.
Before making a vital decision to proceed our clients required first hand experience in bringing their project to life. We assisted them by providing a 3D Street Scape Render that shows the Esplanade facing side in High Dusk Definition. Additionally we provided 3D Interior Renders that take you through the master bedroom, bathroom and main living area.

Over 55 Lifestyle Home
Company: Sea Spirit Lifestyle
Project Type: New Home - Over 55’s Development
Project Size: 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom.
Check out this incredible project we recently assisted our friends at Sea Spirit with some 3D renders. Located an hour south from Port Macquarie, right on the east coast of Australia, this new home is one of many being built as part of a new over 55 age home development. The new project will contain 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a large kitchen/living area and an outdoor terrace.
In providing their clients the best possible insight into their future homes Sea Spirit Lifestyle got in contact and requested 3D Exterior Renders that showcase both inside and outside the new home.